Memaw gave Blake these eggs. You match up the shape and tops and they chirp too! We had a great turn out for his party her in Dewitt and at his party in N.B.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
More Christmas and Another bday party!
Memaw gave Blake these eggs. You match up the shape and tops and they chirp too! We had a great turn out for his party her in Dewitt and at his party in N.B.
Friday, December 26, 2008
He's walking, he's walking!
Such a cutie on Christmas morning!
Blake started REALLY walking Christmas Eve as he took off toward his Mimi! Since then, he's getting brave enough to just let go of something and go across the floor. What a big boy! We celebrated his birthday last Sunday and will do so again this Sunday! YAY!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Birthday jitters!
As Blake's first birthday quickly approaches, I've been reflecting on the past year and 9 months of my life and how quickly it has all passed by. It seems like just yesterday I was devastated to find that my body simply doesn't know how to ovulate and feeling that I may never have a baby. I feel so incredibly blessed to have my baby boy! It's amazing how much our lives have changed but how easily we have forgotten what life was before parenthood. My "baby" is no longer a baby really. He is quickly working on learning to walk and will grab your finger and pull on you to get up and walk with him. His balance gets better each day and Kevin says he will be walking by Christmas. At this rate, he just might! So, we are exhausted but in such a wonderful way. God bless!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Blake saying "Mama"
Blake started saying "mama" about a month ago. Now he's adding Baba sounds and using them interchangably for everything! We're trying to get "dada" to come out now.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tis the season....
...for sickness that is! Lucky me caught the stomach flu and began getting sick early Sunday morning and didn't feel even close to myself until Wednesday. Blake started puking Monday night bless his heart. It was our first experience with him begin really sick. Today is Friday and is the first full day with no puking or loose stools. YIPPEE! Who knew I would ever celebrate poop or the lack there of? Isn't life exciting? To make life even better, Kevin began going both ends Wednesday. What a horrible virus! Now my father-in-law has it because they watched Blake Thursday and today. Let's hope it will end there. I can't handle anymore! On a good note, Blake is slowly getting better and beginning to wet diapers again after being so dehydrated.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wow! Who knew rolling a bunch of dice for two hours could be so much fun! Of course, a room full of teachers is NEVER boring! My sorority of women educators, Alpha Delta Kappa, played Bunko tonight for a fundraiser and it was great fun! Hopefully we'll do it again soon. Major bummer is I had so much energy afterwards and wanted to go out or at least come home and hang with the hubby but he went to bed way early tonight so here I sit, alone. :( Oh well! Go Bunko!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My son never ceases to amaze me! He is becoming more independent before my eyes and is almost walking. I am so proud of him and feel so blessed that God gave us such a wonderful gift. I have always wanted to be a mommy but could never have imagined what it would really be like. I sat in the rocking chair, as he ate his night-time bottle and found myself weeping with pure joy that he is my son and amazement that I could ever love another human being as much as I love him. It is an amazing love that God has given me the priveledge of feeling. Thank you Jesus for trusting me with this little life.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Blake has discovered trucks and has already figured out that they make a sound. He pushes his trucks around blowing bubbles and making a really cute sound. I tried to capture it in a short video. Hopefully you can hear him.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
VT rocks
We are at Tech for the weekend and I miss my son so much! However, it really is nice being here. I forgot how much I liked Blacksburg and I could totally see myself moving here! I wish I could convince my husband to move here. That would just be awesome! Anyone out there know hypnosis? Maybe that would work!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Finally went to the pros
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My big boy is almost walking with "no hands"
Blake is very quickly learning to get around. He is a typical boy in that he is overly confident on his abilities and will pull up on things and then just let go as if he already knows how to walk. Then, of course, he tumbles down. Usually, he catches himself and lands softly but occassionally, he gets a bump to the head. Such a big boy.
slowly adjusting
Well it is now my third week of school and I am just now starting to feel more comfortable in my roll as mom, wife, teacher and yes, sometimes finding time for myself. Finally my students appear to be "getting it," well with the exception of a few which is normal. The past two days are the first days since school started that I haven't wanted to quit my job and find something else. My mind is still open to a job that is more flexible and that doesn't require me to bring homework home every night, and oh yeah, one where I'm appreciated and respected instead of treated like a peon with no rights. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching but teaching isn't just teaching anymore. It's like having 3 or more jobs and being paid for one. Enough complaining. The important thing is that I'm adjusting and that things will be okay for now.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Okay, so my son is growing up way too fast and I wish I could post pictures and video but I don't have a great connection. Boo! Anyway, he's pulling up all the time, testing his balance and ready to move. He walks unassited holding on to his little push toy and smiles from ear to ear as he independently zooms around the room. He's found Lexi's water bowl and has poured it all over himself. We have now moved the bowls. Poor Lexi is exhausted from running from the holy terror that is her baby brother! He goes after her and pulls her hair every chance he gets. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and it just sort of puts the rest of my worries in life in perspective!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I now understand what mothers mean when they say they feel "guilty" and "torn" when they return to work after having a child. Strangely enough, I didn't feel this guilt last March when I first went back to work but I suppose that may be because he was still a tiny baby who slept most of the time and I felt like I wasn't missing as much. Now he moves all over the place, he's starting early stages of walking, and he is affectionate and oh so much fun. I feel like I am missing SO MUCH! Then I have the guilty feeling that I cannot completely devote myself to my work anymore, nor can I complete devote myself to Blake. I am so ambivalent in that I want to stay home with Blake AND I want to work and enjoy my work most of the time. That's where the TORN part comes in. He is absolutely fine and resilient and appears to enjoy the days he spends with Memaw and Papaw and also Ms. Julia. He's very happy and probably doesn't miss me as I miss him but there's still that feeling that I don't have enough time with him. He spends 50+ hours a week with someone other than me. Boo. That sucks. If I could only win the lottery, I could stay home but also have enough money to stay busy so I wouldn't get bored and depressed from being stuck in the house. Anyway, I am done rambling. Just needed to vent.
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