Tuesday, September 23, 2008

slowly adjusting

Well it is now my third week of school and I am just now starting to feel more comfortable in my roll as mom, wife, teacher and yes, sometimes finding time for myself. Finally my students appear to be "getting it," well with the exception of a few which is normal. The past two days are the first days since school started that I haven't wanted to quit my job and find something else. My mind is still open to a job that is more flexible and that doesn't require me to bring homework home every night, and oh yeah, one where I'm appreciated and respected instead of treated like a peon with no rights. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching but teaching isn't just teaching anymore. It's like having 3 or more jobs and being paid for one. Enough complaining. The important thing is that I'm adjusting and that things will be okay for now.

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